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Non-communicable diseases cause the majority of deaths in Ukraine. The task of the state is to detect them early - Serhii Dubrov

15 November 2023

the greatest burden, both in terms of the consequences for human life and health and for the medical system, is borne by four main groups of diseases: cardiovascular, chronic respiratory and oncological diseases, and diabetes. this was announced by first deputy minister of health serhii dubrov during the national forum on non-communicable diseases.

The Ministry of Health and partners evacuated more than 4 thousand injured Ukrainians for treatment in foreign clinics

14 November 2023

the evacuation flights, organized as part of the cooperation between the ministry of health, the european commission and partners, have been going on for more than a year and a half. the evacuations are aimed at ukrainian citizens in need of specialized treatment and further rehabilitation. in total, the cooperation has already helped to send 3,397 ukrainians abroad for treatment and/or rehabilitation. among them, there are patients with mine-blast wounds, cancer patients and people with chronic diseases. another 650 patients are injured children with traumas and cancer.

UNITED24 - a year and a half: more than UAH 1.5 billion raised to meet healthcare needs!

14 November 2023

in may 2022, on the initiative of the president, a global fundraising campaign to support ukraine was launched as part of the united24 fundraising platform. one of the five areas for which people from more than a hundred countries donate is medical care. thus, over the past year and a half, uah 1,563,670,499.22 has been raised to meet healthcare needs. the funds are transferred to a special account of the national bank of ukraine, which is assigned to the ministry of health.

More than 600 thousand euros to rebuild Chernihiv Central District Hospital as part of UNITED24

14 November 2023

612,000 euros is a charitable donation as part of the united24 global initiative to rebuild the chernihiv central district hospital. to this end, the ministry of health and the french charity foundation “mesenat servier” (signed by nicolas clavreul, representative of the foundation in ukraine) signed an agreement.

In Ukraine, 421 medical facilities damaged by russia have been fully restored, 413 more are in the process of restoration

13 November 2023

as of almost mid-november 2023, 834 medical facilities have been fully or partially restored in ukraine. of these, 421 facilities have been fully restored and another 413 have been partially restored. most of the restored medical facilities are located in mykolaiv, dnipro, kyiv, kharkiv, chernihiv and kherson oblasts.

Ministry of Health discusses prospects of primary healthcare financing with partners

9 November 2023

primary healthcare is the entry point to the healthcare system. thanks to sustainable financing of this area of medicine, ukrainians have gained open access not only to the choice of a doctor or medical institution, but also to a wider range of services they can receive from their family doctor, therapist or pediatrician.

International Medical Partnership in Action: Nearly 250 Ukrainian doctors trained abroad in October

8 November 2023

239 medical professionals from 37 medical institutions from all over ukraine took part in scientific events (conferences, congresses), educational events (internships, training, workshops, seminars), and experience exchange. most of the doctors were trained in european countries: austria, poland, germany, switzerland, italy, etc. some doctors also received training in the united states, canada, and israel.

Medical institutions are provided with more than 10 thousand generators in case of blackouts in winter

8 November 2023

despite the constant threats from russia and new challenges caused by the full-scale war, ukraine is actively preparing for winter. the ministry of health and its partners continue to work to provide healthcare facilities with critical equipment for full operation and electric generators for uninterrupted power supply.

For more than 20 months of war, russia has already damaged 1468 medical facilities and destroyed another 193

7 November 2023

in more than a year and a half of full-scale warfare, russia has damaged 1468 medical facilities in ukraine, and another 193 have been destroyed to the ground. the russian invaders continue to destroy civilian infrastructure, including medical facilities: hospitals, outpatient clinics, polyclinics, maternity clinics and other medical institutions, preventing doctors from working and creating an additional burden on the medical system.