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Non-communicable diseases cause the majority of deaths in Ukraine. The task of the state is to detect them early - Serhii Dubrov

The greatest burden, both in terms of the consequences for human life and health and for the medical system, is borne by four main groups of diseases: cardiovascular, chronic respiratory and oncological diseases, and diabetes. This was announced by First Deputy Minister of Health Serhii Dubrov during the National Forum on Non-Communicable Diseases.

“In Ukraine, non-communicable diseases cause the majority of all deaths. These diseases can affect people of any age and gender. They have a significant impact on the quality and duration of life. Treatment of such diseases is important not only for the healthcare system but also for the country’s economy. The most important step is prevention at various levels, early detection and assistance to people living with these diseases,” said Serhii Dubrov at the opening of the forum.

During the forum, the participants discussed the results of the implementation of the National Action Plan on Non-Communicable Diseases and the implementation of the Healthy School Model.

Most NCDs develop in adulthood, but health behavioral habits are formed in childhood. Children are increasingly exposed to the main factors of NCDs. Timely and effective measures to prevent NCDs in children and adolescents can significantly reduce the incidence rate and have a positive impact on their quality of life in the future.

The Healthy School Model project aims to strengthen the role of general secondary education institutions in preventing non-communicable diseases and promoting the health of pupils.

The parties also discussed the findings of an economic study on the feasibility of investing in the prevention and control of NCDs.

It should be recalled that earlier, the Ministry of Health reported that in 2018, the European Stroke Organization, in cooperation with the Stroke Alliance for Europe, developed the Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) to coordinate stroke control actions at the international level. The Ministry of Health joined this plan by signing a declaration in 2021.