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International Medical Partnership in Action: Nearly 250 Ukrainian doctors trained abroad in October

Continuous learning is an integral part of the professional development of the medical industry. Ukrainian doctors learn from the world’s leading clinics and share their own experience.  In particular, educational exchanges take place within the framework of the International Medical Partnership Program.

In October of this year, 239 medical professionals from 37 medical institutions from all over Ukraine took part in scientific events (conferences, congresses), educational events (internships, training, workshops, seminars), and experience exchange. Most of the doctors were trained in European countries: Austria, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, etc. Some doctors also received training in the United States, Canada, and Israel.

“The International Medical Partnership Program is a major initiative that helps Ukrainian medical institutions find “twin” institutions in different parts of the world, from Poland to Canada. This allows us to establish direct horizontal connections, developing and deepening cooperation directly between medical professionals. It is about sharing experience and best international practices. This is another step towards building a modern high-quality medical system,” said Minister Viktor Liashko. “I am grateful to First Lady Olena Zelenska for her continued support of the program and to all the countries that are joining to work together effectively to save and protect lives and health around the world.”

The International Health Partnership is a project implemented under the auspices of the Third First Ladies and Gentlemen’s Summit. This year, 14 ministers of health from around the world joined the Summit. The Summit launched the International Health Partnership Program. In total, 25 international medical partnership agreements were signed between Ukrainian and foreign medical institutions during the Summit.

It should be recalled that earlier, the Ministry of Health took another step towards expanding international medical partnerships. During the 73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, the Ukrainian delegation presented a joint statement on further development of sustainable international medical partnership.