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For more than 20 months of war, russia has already damaged 1468 medical facilities and destroyed another 193

In more than a year and a half of full-scale warfare, russia has damaged 1468 medical facilities in Ukraine, and another 193 have been destroyed to the ground. The russian invaders continue to destroy civilian infrastructure, including medical facilities: hospitals, outpatient clinics, polyclinics, maternity clinics and other medical institutions, preventing doctors from working and creating an additional burden on the medical system.

In particular, medical institutions in Kharkiv, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv and Kherson oblasts suffered the greatest losses. Since the beginning of the war, the enemy has damaged 103 ambulances, destroyed 253 vehicles and seized 125 ambulances.

However, despite all the attacks on medical facilities and constant enemy bombardment, Ukraine continues to rebuild its medical infrastructure. First and foremost, we are talking about facilities in the de-occupied territories that have suffered minor damage as a result of enemy shelling and bombing.

As of the beginning of November 2023, 421 medical facilities have been fully restored, and another 413 have been partially restored. Most of the restored medical facilities are currently in Mykolaiv, Dnipro, Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Chernihiv oblasts.

The Ministry of Health and its partners are working to rebuild Ukrainian hospitals and create conditions for our heroic doctors to work fully and provide the necessary medical care to every patient despite the war. That is why, despite the challenges caused by the war, the work to restore Ukraine’s medical infrastructure will continue.

It should be recalled that the Mykolaiv Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital, which was damaged at the beginning of the war, has recently been restored.