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За вашим запитом "" знайдено 797 дописи

Rabies vaccines are delivered to all regions of Ukraine

17 July 2018

in 2018 ukraine has procured over 39 000 doses of rabies vaccines, which have already been distributed among all regions of ukraine and are currently being delivered to hospitals nationwide.

Medicine Procurement: Medicines procured under four government programs are delivered to the regions

16 July 2018

medicines procured for the state budget funds under four government programs are currently delivered to the regions and will be available in health facilities in the nearest future.

Odesa Regional Center for Emergency Medicine organizes trainings developed based on international guidelines and protocols

13 July 2018

in 2018, about 175 emergency crews and ambulance teams in odesa oblast will participate in specialized trainings aimed at developing skills necessary to provide high-quality and timely emergency medical care for injuries and emergency conditions in accordance with the relevant international protocols and guidelines. in particular, the training participants will develop the skills necessary to provide the life-saving first aid, basic emergency and prehospital trauma care, as well as the assistance to road accident and mass casualty incident victims.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine follows best international practices to establish an effective internal control system

13 July 2018

on july 12, 2018 the ministry of health of ukraine held a meeting with representatives of the ministry of finance of ukraine and the ministry of finance of the kingdom of the netherlands. within the framework of the implementation of a relevant pilot project in the selected government bodies of ukraine, the meeting participants initiated an assessment of the internal control system currently established in the ministry of health of ukraine.

Ukraine's healthcare transformation progress in the context of European integration

9 July 2018

on june 26, 2018, the eu-ukraine sub-committee on economic and other sector cooperation cluster meeting participants, including representatives of the ministry of health of ukraine, discussed the major accomplishments and future prospects for bringing the ukrainian healthcare in line with the european standards in the context of the eu-ukraine association agreement implementation.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine and public organizations representing victims of the Chornobyl disaster developed a healthcare roadmap

6 July 2018

the ministry of health of ukraine organizes working sessions with representatives of public organizations supporting victims of the chornobyl nuclear disaster and addressing their issues.

Ukraine starts measles vaccination of adults in at-risk groups

6 July 2018

the ministry of health of ukraine has approved the procedure for free vaccination of certain groups of adults at increased risk for getting measles.

Ministry of Health of Ukraine sends 50 new ambulances to the regions

4 July 2018

the ministry of health of ukraine sends 50 new ambulances stocked with all the necessary medical equipment and supplies to the regions. the new ambulances were provided by the government of the people's republic of china under the agreement between the government of ukraine and the government of the people's republic of china.

Current progress in the healthcare transformation in Ukraine, outlined by Melinda Haring, the Atlantic Council

3 July 2018

on june 27, 2018 the atlantic council published the article ‘finally some good news from ukraine’ by melinda haring, who discussed with dr. ulana suprun, acting minister of health of ukraine, the launch of a new healthcare system in ukraine and key changes it brings for the population.

Adolescent-friendly healthcare: a series of trainings for family doctors in Lviv and Poltava oblasts

3 July 2018

on june 25, 2018 the ministry of health of ukraine, with the support of the ukrainian foundation for public health (ufph), health right international, and the united nations children's fund (unicef), launched a series of trainings for family doctors within the framework of the project "promoting the integration of adolescent-oriented services within the primary care system in line with the current healthcare reform in ukraine".