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The Ministry of Health of Ukraine follows best international practices to establish an effective internal control system

On July 12, 2018 the Ministry of Health of Ukraine held a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Within the framework of the implementation of a relevant pilot project in the selected government bodies of Ukraine, the meeting participants initiated an assessment of the internal control system currently established in the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Ukraine is reforming and strengthening the public internal financial control in accordance with its commitments under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Improving public internal financial control is essential for establishing an effective public finance management system. The key objectives of the development of this component include bringing the national internal control systems in line with the European guidelines, identifying gaps in prevention activities, introducing effective financial control mechanisms, improving risk management systems, ensuring effective and efficient resource management practices.

When opening the meeting, Artem Yanchuk, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, emphasized “the Ministry is currently actively developing and transforming the Ukrainian healthcare”. The Ministry takes comprehensive efforts to adopt effective measures to guarantee efficient and effective resource management in exercise of the powers conferred upon it and with due regard for the principles of economy, efficiency, effectiveness and transparency.

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of the Netherlands initiated a series of interviews with heads of the independent structural units responsible for the implementation of the Ministry’s key objectives and activities related to the establishment of an effective internal financial control system.

The assessment is aimed at improving the Ministry’s internal financial control system and accelerating the process based on the best international experiences and practices.