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The Ministry of Health of Ukraine and public organizations representing victims of the Chornobyl disaster developed a healthcare roadmap

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine organizes working sessions with representatives of public organizations supporting victims of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster and addressing their issues.

The first meeting resulted in the development of a roadmap for taking further steps in addressing critical issues related to the provision of health care to Ukrainian citizens affected by the Chornobyl disaster.

To find solutions to the issues discussed during the first meeting, the participants agreed to organize a number of working sessions in the near future. In addition, representatives of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine accepted the invitation to take part in the All-Ukrainian seminar "On Measures to Implement the State Programs of Comprehensive Healthcare for Victims of the Chornobyl Disaster", which will be held on July 24, 2018.

Oleksandr Linchevskyi, deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine, underlined the importance of working together on the pressing issues and expressed appreciation for the work done. The deputy Minister also welcomed the helpful comments, suggestions and constructive criticisms made by representatives of many public organizations, including "Chornobyl Union of Ukraine", "Center Pripyat", "Firefighters of Chornobyl", and "Chornobyl-86".

We are certain that an active cooperation and dialogue between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and these NGOs will contribute to real progress in addressing the issues related to the provision of health care to the victims of the Chornobyl disaster, as these issues are finally considered at the appropriate level.