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За вашим запитом "" знайдено 797 дописи

International investors are interested in modernization of Ukrainian health facilities

17 September 2018

on september 14, the infrastructure ppps in eastern europe, caucasus and central asia conference in kyiv brought together experts, business representatives and government officials from different countries to discuss the latest developments in the ppp sector and the ppp opportunities in ukraine. one of the panel discussions focused on facilities management and ppps in the healthcare sector. roman ilyk, deputy minister of health of ukraine, presented the ministry’s strategic plans aimed at attracting investment in the ukrainian healthcare in the context of the ongoing transformation.

Health reforms remain the priority programs in the draft state budget for 2019: Ukraine’s government to allocate UAH 92.3 billion for healthcare next year

17 September 2018

on september 14, the cabinet of ministers of ukraine approved the draft state budget for 2019. the transformation of the national healthcare system remained one of the priority financing programs – the government plans to allocate uah 92.3 billion for healthcare in 2019, which is 10% more than the previous year.

Medical Education Reform: public consultations on the Medical Education Strategy for the next 10 years

14 September 2018

the ministry of health of ukraine has developed the medical education strategy as an integral part of the transformation of the national healthcare system. the strategy sets the vision for the next ten years. it is essential to enable ukrainian health practitioners to become knowledgeable and engaged professionals who provide high quality services focusing on the patient and the individual's particular health care needs.

Medicine Procurement: Oncology medicines are delivered to the regions

13 September 2018

oncology medicines procured for the state budget funds under the government program ‘oncology patients’ are currently delivered to the regions and will be available in health facilities in the nearest future.

Effective medicines regulations in Ukraine: the Health Ministry’s action plan to protect Ukrainians from unsafe and ineffective medicines

13 September 2018

improving the quality of health care and ensuring that ukrainian patients are provided with safe and effective medicines are the strategic objectives of the transformation of the ukrainian healthcare system. therefore, the ministry of health of ukraine introduces systematic regulatory changes to cut out the use of ineffective, poor quality, harmful medicines to protect and promote public health.

Global pharmaceutical regulation: prospects and challenges in the next two years

12 September 2018

delegates from drug regulatory authorities around the world discussed the key changes and current priorities in the regulatory environment at the 18th international conference of drug regulatory authorities (icdra), which took place from monday 3 september to friday 7 september 2018 in dublin, ireland. the ukrainian delegation was headed by roman ilyk, deputy minister of health of ukraine.

Two Years in Office

11 September 2018

dr. ulana suprun, acting minister of health of ukraine, highlights the key strategic accomplishments the ministry's team has achieved over two years in office.

Ukraine introduces a single electronic register of medical certificates issued upon medical fitness examinations to certain categories of employees

10 September 2018

starting september 2018, data on occupational medical examinations of certain categories of ukrainians is stored in a unified electronic medical record system. this innovation shall contribute to better recording and processing medical data, as well as to eliminating fake medical certificate businesses.

Clinical trial results to be publicly available

7 September 2018

on september 4, the verkhovna rada of ukraine approved the law on public disclosure of all clinical trial results. the ministry of health of ukraine can disclose the results of all preclinical studies and clinical trials of medicines. this means that every ukrainian can now check whether a particular medicine, either purchased in a pharmacy or prescribed by a doctor, is really safe and effective.

Ukraine joins the Global Digital Health Partnership

7 September 2018

on september 3-4, dr. ulana suprun represented ukraine at the third global digital health partnership (gdhp) summit in london (uk). this year, ukraine has become one of the new countries attending the gdhp summit bringing together digital health leaders from 23 countries and territories and the world health organisation (who) to collaborate and share experiences, supporting the improved delivery of digital health services around the world.