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Ukraine introduces a single electronic register of medical certificates issued upon medical fitness examinations to certain categories of employees

Starting September 2018, data on occupational medical examinations of certain categories of Ukrainians is stored in a unified electronic medical record system. This innovation shall contribute to better recording and processing of medical data, as well as to eliminating fake medical certificate businesses.

Occupational medical examinations are compulsory for certain groups of employees and workers in Ukraine, in particular for drivers, educators, students, food service and trade personnel, persons who are authorized to possess and carry firearms, etc. Henceforth, data on occupational medical examinations will be stored in a single register – a secure electronic medical record system.

Occupational medical examinations are to be conducted by qualified physicians in health facilities nationwide. All medical records are to be automatically stored in the electronic system. Hard copies of medical certificates are to be provided free of charge as required.

The single register of occupational medical examinations will be eventually integrated into the eHealth system.  

The "Medical examinations" mobile application has already been launched to enable regulatory authorities to quickly check the validity of any medical certificate issued upon occupational medical examination.

Today, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is closely cooperating with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Youth and Sports and is also making effort to promote an effective interagency cooperation and to attract other ministries and state agencies to work in the unified information space.

The order establishing the unified state database of occupational medical examinations was signed in January 2017, and on June 20, 2018, the system started working in a test mode and was introduced in the first health facilities. By the end of the year, about 3,000 health facilities in all regions of Ukraine are to be connected to the system, which shall contribute to gradually replacing paper forms with electronic medical records. After the test period, the unified state database of medical examinations will become mandatory.