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За вашим запитом "" знайдено 797 дописи

Ukraine’s eHealth implementation model recognized as one of the best in the world

1 November 2018

experts from the organization for economic cooperation and development (oecd) analyzed ukraine’s ehealth implementation case, and called it one of the best government innovations in the world.

Transplantation in Ukraine: Health Ministry to introduce a Unified state transplantation information system and to provide access to international donor registers

1 November 2018

the introduction of a unified state transplantation information system is the priority today, because it is an important step in the development of the national transplantation system in ukraine. donor registers exist to help find a matching donor for a patient in need of a transplant.

Medicine procurement through international organizations: almost twice as many adult oncology patients get free medicines

30 October 2018

every year, specialized international organizations that support ukraine in procurement of medicines and healthcare products conduct transparent tenders and negotiate with manufacturers on prices, which results in savings of the allocated funds. the savings are used to purchase additional medicines to provide safe and effective treatment to more patients in need. the effective cooperation with international organizations in medicine procurement helped the ukrainian government to provide free medicines to a significantly higher number of adult oncology patients. in 2016, the savings were used to purchase 90 out of all 94 centrally procured medicines.

Ukraine’s Health Ministry continues reforming public procurement of medicines and healthcare products

26 October 2018

on october 25, the ministry of health registered soe "medical procurements of ukraine", which is eventually to become a central procurement agency. the enterprise will ensure the continued implementation of the reform of the national procurement of medicines and healthcare products, and the establishment of a public procurement expertise center.

Serving People, Improving Health Project: cardiac care specialists in Kovel start using new angiography equipment

24 October 2018

the kovel central district hospital was equipped with a new modern x-ray angiography system, and the hospital staff has already started using it to deliver timely, high quality care to patients. the new equipment, worth a total of 600,000 us dollars, was purchased and delivered to the kovel central district hospital under the serving people, improving health joint project of the ministry of health of ukraine with the world bank.

Saving Hearts of Ukraine Initiative: first angiograph, and new department of interventional cardiology and reperfusion therapy in Chernivtsi oblast

24 October 2018

under the saving hearts of ukraine government program, modern angiography equipment was purchased, and all the proper conditions were created for the establishment and development of a new department of interventional cardiology and reperfusion therapy in the chernivtsi regional clinical cardiology center.

Ukraine’s Health Ministry and partners work on electronic procurement system

23 October 2018

the ministry of health of ukraine signed a memorandum of understanding with the eurasia foundation (transparency and accountability in public administration and services program / tapas) on the implementation of the e-procurement development project. the project will open up opportunities for a large-scale development of the system for electronic procurement of medicines, medical devices, and other healthcare products in ukraine, and will contribute to ensuring the professionalization of public procurement in the health sector.

Improving quality of neonatal care in Ukraine: provision of modern equipment and training opportunities for Ukrainian neonatologists

22 October 2018

the development of neonatology, and the enhancement of the quality of care provided to newborns constitute the priorities for the healthcare improvement in the developed world. the ministry of health of ukraine, in cooperation with international partners, actively works to improve the quality of neonatal care in our country. with the support from partners, the ministry plans to open three training centers for neonatal specialists from all over ukraine, and to provide regional perinatal centers with modern equipment in the near future.

WHO assesses the Affordable Medicines Program and concludes that Ukrainians no longer have to choose between food and medicines

22 October 2018

more than 20% of all medicines included in the program are fully reimbursable, i.e. provided to patients with correct prescription completely free of charge

Italian Government supports people affected by war in Eastern Ukraine

19 October 2018

in 2017, the government of italy allocated us$ 250 000 to support the humanitarian activities and non-stop efforts to assist the population affected by the war in eastern ukraine. with the financial support from the italian government, who recently delivered emergency trauma kits to health facilities near the contact line. the supplied specialized medical equipment and medications are sufficient to treat up to 1000 trauma patients – more than 200 major or approximately 1000 minor operations.