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Italian Government supports people affected by war in Eastern Ukraine

In 2017, the Government of Italy allocated US$ 250 000 to support the humanitarian activities and non-stop efforts to assist the population affected by the war in eastern Ukraine. With the financial support from the Italian Government, WHO recently delivered emergency trauma kits to health facilities near the contact line. The supplied specialized medical equipment and medications are sufficient to treat up to 1000 trauma patients – more than 200 major or approximately 1000 minor operations.

The joint efforts of the Government of Italy and WHO are aimed at improving access to quality trauma, injury and other healthcare services provided to war-wounded and trauma patients, as well as to vulnerable groups, including pregnant women and children, living in the war-affected areas.

The ongoing war in eastern Ukraine continues disrupting all aspects of civilian life, including healthcare. Today, people living in the temporarily occupied territories and areas along the frontlines have no or limited access to quality healthcare services. In light of this, the humanitarian assistance to Ukraine is continuously needed.

In 2017–2018, WHO and partners have supported around 2.5 million people in eastern Ukraine with medical supplies for primary and specialized care services, complex surgical operations, safe deliveries, neonatal services, safe blood transfusions, and treatment of a range of infectious and non-communicable diseases. In addition, WHO has organized trainings for healthcare specialists to improve the quality of healthcare services provided to the war-affected population.

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