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Structural Units

24 June 2024

40 vehicles to help children aged 0 to 3 years old were delivered to primary healthcare facilities

21 June 2024, Equipment

the united nations children's fund (unicef) and the ministry of health of ukraine have donated 40 vehicles to primary healthcare facilities in nine ukrainian oblasts to improve care for children from birth to three years of age under the home visiting programme.

Emergency response to COVID-19 and vaccination: the Ministry of Health summarized the results of cooperation on one of the key World Bank projects

17 June 2024, World Bank

since 2015, the ministry of health of ukraine and the world bank have been partners in healthcare reform. currently, three major projects are being implemented within the framework of cooperation, one of which is the emergency response to covid-19 and vaccination in ukraine.

The 45th memorandum on international medical partnership was signed during URC2024 in Berlin

13 June 2024, Recovery, International medical partnership

... the international conference on the recovery of ukraine (ukraine recovery conference - urc2024), the 45th memorandum on cooperation was signed within the framework of the international medical partnership initiative between ukraine and 18 countries of europe and north america. the memorandum was signed between the superhumans center for prosthetics, rehabilitation and reconstructive surgery and charité, the largest university hospital in germany and europe, located in berlin.the memorandum was signed by the general executive director of the superhumans center olha rudneva and the representative of charité, professor malek bazhbuzh, with the participation of the minister of health of ukraine viktor lyashko. andriy stavnitser, co-founder of superhumans in odesa, was also present at the signing ceremony."last year, during the third summit of first ladies and gentlemen, we launched the international medical partnership program. then 25 ukrainian hospitals received "sisters" in diffe...

During the international conference on the restoration of Ukraine URC2024, an agreement was reached on the allocation of more than 185 million euros for the health care sector of Ukraine

12 June 2024, Recovery, International cooperation

... international conference on the recovery of ukraine (ukraine recovery conference – urc2024) was held in berlin. the main goal of urc2024 is to unite the leaders of the governments of different countries, international organizations, business and civil society for the restoration, reconstruction, reform and modernization of ukraine. it is about emergency assistance in meeting urgent needs, implementation of rapid recovery projects, creation of attractive conditions for business and private investments, active involvement of civil society in reconstruction processes, etc."international support and assistance to ukraine is very important. especially during a full-scale war. currently, the ukrainian medical system works in extremely difficult conditions. every day we solve new tasks for the sake of saving people and do everything to survive. however, we understand that no medical system can cope on its own. only by working together can we effectively fight and counter challenges. in or...

More than 14 billion dollars are needed in the next 10 years to restore the Ukrainian medical system — Viktor Lyashko

12 June 2024, Recovery

... was stated by the minister of health of ukraine viktor lyashko during the panel discussion "health as a prerequisite for recovery: mental health, rehabilitation and digital access to medical services" within the framework of the international conference on the recovery of ukraine (ukraine recovery conference — urc2024), which is currently taking place in berlin, germany.the following took part in the panel discussion: from the ukrainian side — first lady olena zelenska, minister of health viktor lyashko; from the german government — professor karl lauterbach, federal minister of health of germany; carlo monticelli, representative of the development bank of the council of europe; from medical partnerships: karin steineke, partner of the "charite" clinic and the telemedicine project."the cost of restoring ukraine's medical sphere after the consequences of a full-scale war, which have already been recorded, is more than 14 billion dollars for the next 10 years. however, russia is try...

Ukraine's achievements in digitalization of medicine were presented at an international summit in Turkey

10 June 2024, Digitalization

... implementation of reforms during the war, the implementation of european norms in the healthcare system of ukraine, the ultra-fast pace of digitization - this was discussed at a panel discussion with the participation of representatives of the ministry of health of ukraine as part of the executive leadership summit informatics for leareds (i4l) on digital transformation in health in istanbul.speakers and participants of the event presented and discussed unique cases of the medical sector of our country, which continues to work stably even under conditions of severe aggression: reforms are being implemented, digitization of the industry is developing, etc."our country has made a lot of efforts to build a national e-health ecosystem. today, ukrainian ehealth unites interested parties, information systems, data registers, thousands of health care institutions, medical workers and millions of ukrainians who trust the state with their health data," said the deputy minister of health of ...

The Ministry of Health and the World Bank discussed the results of ongoing and prospects for new joint projects to restore the healthcare sector

10 June 2024, World Bank

minister of health of ukraine viktor liashko, together with world bank vice president antonella bassani and representatives of the team that will work from 1 july 2024, namely the new world bank regional director bob saum and operations manager kevin tomlinson, met to discuss the restoration of the healthcare system and further steps in joint projects.р

Ministry of Health reminds: Ukrainians affected by war can be evacuated for treatment abroad

7 June 2024, Medical evacuation

the ministry of health of ukraine, in cooperation with the european commission and other international partners, continues to evacuate affected ukrainians to specialised clinics in europe for treatment and rehabilitation.

More than a million HIV tests and increased access to antiretroviral therapy: results of a 7-year intersectoral HIV/AIDS project

6 June 2024,

these results were announced on 5 june 2024 during the final conference of the healthlink project ‘accelerating the hiv/aids response in ukraine’. the project lasted seven years and became the largest healthcare response to the hiv/aids epidemic in ukraine.