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World Health Assembly strongly condemns russian aggression against Ukraine, attacks on medical facilities and civilian infrastructure

The countries participating in the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) supported the resolution “Health Emergency in Ukraine and Refugee Host Countries Caused by the russian Aggression”. They also strongly condemned the military aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine, in particular, the regular attacks on medical facilities, as well as attacks on civilian infrastructure, which have led to many casualties and complicated access to medical care.

It should be noted that the decision is a continuation of the resolution adopted last year at the 75th session of the WHA. The decision provides enhanced assistance to Ukraine to overcome the consequences in the health sector. Also, in the context of this year’s decision, the possibility of applying Article 7 of the WHO Charter to deprive the russian federation of its voting rights in the WHA was preserved.

“Over more than two years of war, 1,604 medical facilities have been damaged and another 211 have been completely destroyed beyond repair. The biggest losses were incurred in Kharkiv, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts. It is currently impossible to obtain comprehensive information on the extent of damage to hospitals in the temporarily occupied territories. In addition, russia damaged 165 ambulances, destroyed 261 and captured another 125. During this time, more than 200 civilian medics have been killed by enemy attacks. Thousands of Ukrainians gave their lives at the front. Thousands have been wounded”
Viktor Liashko, Minister of Health of Ukraine

In particular, the WHA, having considered the report of the Director-General, identifying unprecedented challenges, further work in addressing the health and humanitarian consequences caused by the russian aggression against Ukraine, and noting the adoption of the WHO Strategy for Cooperation with Ukraine for 2024-2030, decided:

1. To condemn russia’s aggression against Ukraine, in particular the attacks on healthcare facilities, as well as attacks on critical civilian infrastructure, which have resulted in large casualties and complicated access to medical care;

2. To express concern about the ongoing health emergency in Ukraine and refugee host countries, given the negative impact on the mental and psychosocial health of Ukrainians, in particular:

  • a significant number of refugees leaving Ukraine because of the full-scale war;
  • risks of radiological, biological, and chemical phenomena and hazards; and worsening of the already substantial global food security crisis;

3. To draw attention to the fact that russia’s aggression against Ukraine continues and causes a serious threat to the health of the Ukrainian population, as well as has a regional and wider health impact;

4. To draw attention to the serious and multifaceted impact of the aggression on the situation of Ukrainians, especially women, children, youth, internally displaced persons, persons with disabilities, the elderly and survivors of all forms of violence, including gender-based violence, former combatants, military and civilian prisoners;

5. To call for the respect and protection of the sick and wounded in accordance with the Geneva Convention of 1949, including the immediate and unconditional repatriation of all seriously wounded and gravely ill prisoners of war, and the release and repatriation of wounded and sick civilian prisoners;

6. To call on the russian federation to immediately cease all attacks on critical infrastructure throughout Ukraine, including hospitals and other healthcare facilities, and to respect medical and humanitarian personnel performing medical duties, etc;

7. To encourage member states to comply with international humanitarian law and human rights law;

8. To request the Director General:

  • to continue to implement the resolution “Health Emergency in Ukraine and Refugee Host Countries Caused by the russian Aggression”;
  • to report to the Seventy-eighth World Health Assembly in 2025 by the 156th session of the Executive Board on the implementation of the resolution, including an assessment of the direct and indirect impact of the russian aggression on Ukraine and the health of the Ukrainian population, etc.

The states that supported the resolution called on russia to immediately cease any attacks on critical infrastructure across Ukraine, which are having devastating consequences for the health of Ukrainians.

It should be noted that the implementation of the resolution is crucial for enhanced assistance to Ukraine to overcome the consequences of the war in the health sector.

It should also be recalled that during this year’s Assembly, the participating countries adopted by consensus the historic resolution “Strengthening mental health and psychosocial support before, during and after armed conflicts, natural and human-made disasters, and health and other emergencies”, initiated by Ukraine, the Netherlands, and a group of WHO Member States.