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Ukrainian oncologists to undergo training in leading American clinics

Ukrainian oncologists will undergo training at the leading American centers for clinical innovation and treatment of cancer in Nashville, Tennessee, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The training is organized at the initiative of the Ministry of Health and the Peace and Development Foundation.

Oncologists of various specialties will study multidisciplinary approaches to the implementation of modern cancer treatment protocols based on specific examples of the best US clinics.

The first medical institutions to be visited by the group of Ukrainian oncologists from 15 to 28 October will be Tennessee Oncology and Ascension Saint Thomas Hospital.

The doctors will exchange experience with their American colleagues and learn the latest approaches to diagnosing and treating cancer. The training will also allow doctors to improve communication with cancer patients.

Professional development of oncologists is now critically important for Ukraine, as the number of people with cancer has increased as a result of the full-scale war unleashed by russia. At the beginning of the war, many of them had problems with obtaining medicines and timely care.

The trips to share experiences with American partners have become part of the systematic work of the Ministry of Health and the Foundation. Productive cooperation is being established in many areas, including transplantation, reconstructive surgery, and family medicine, in addition to oncology.

“International medical partnership is a mechanism that allows us to integrate the best international experience into the medical systems of individual countries. It’s not about formalities, but about live interaction between individual doctors and medical institutions, which opens up great opportunities - joint research, scientific and practical work. It’s about everything that allows us to improve the quality of medical care to preserve the health of people around the world,” comments Viktor Liashko.

Earlier this spring, leading Ukrainian oncologists took part in the congress of the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR), the world’s first and largest organization dedicated to cancer research. They discussed the latest research to help fight cancer.

The exchange of experience will continue, in particular, in November, Ukrainian doctors are scheduled to visit other major cancer centers in Tennessee — Sarah Cannon Cancer Center and Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, as well as the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Pennsylvania.

It should be recalled that the day before, the Ministry of Health reported that Ukraine plans to expand the boundaries of international medical partnerships and involve even more medical institutions in the initiative.