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Ukraine and Romania will develop medical partnership and cooperation in the pharmaceutical sector - results of the joint meeting of the governments

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine signed a number of program documents with the Ministry of Health of Romania within the framework of a joint meeting of the governments. In particular, these documents deal with countering the challenges of war, cooperation in the pharmaceutical sector, and the development of international medical partnerships.

The Declaration of Intent provides for horizontal cooperation between medical institutions of the countries. It also envisages the exchange of scientific experience, namely, joint seminars, trainings, conferences, etc.

“I am sincerely grateful to the Romanian people and the Romanian government for their active position and support of Ukraine. The personal presence of the Romanian Minister of Health at the joint meeting of the governments today is another evidence of the great support and prospects for the development of cooperation in the medical field. In September this year, during the Third Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen in Kyiv, we launched a major initiative — the International Medical Partnership. It is about direct cooperation between medical institutions to improve the quality and accessibility of medical services, promote medical professional development, and share experience and best practices in medical management. 25 Ukrainian hospitals have already received “twins” from different parts of the world. We are working to expand. Today we have taken another step in this direction,” said Minister of Health Viktor Liashko.

In addition, a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in the Pharmaceutical Sphere was signed between the State Administration of Ukraine on Medicines and the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Romania. This is another step towards the implementation of joint programs and projects. In particular, the specialized services will exchange experience in identifying and combating counterfeit medicines.

Cooperation is also expected on issues of state control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogs, and precursors.

It should be recalled that earlier, the Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Liashko and the Minister of Health of the Republic of Estonia Riina Sikkut signed a memorandum of cooperation between their ministries in Kyiv. This was during the Third First Ladies and Gentlemen Summit. This was part of the satellite summit of ministers of health.