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Ukraine and Germany agree to strengthen cooperation in healthcare

Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Liashko and German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach signed a joint declaration of intent on healthcare cooperation between the ministries.

“The COVID-19 pandemic and especially the full-scale war have demonstrated the importance of international medical partnership. After all, no medical system can meet such challenges alone. The tool we offer is global cooperation. Last autumn, during the third Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen, 16 ministers of health supported a joint statement that combines four key topics: mental health, international health partnerships, health workforce development and mental health. I am grateful to Germany for supporting the statement. The list of signatories is constantly expanding. Today we are signing a joint declaration that will further deepen our cooperation and define its key vectors: public health, prevention of infectious and non-communicable diseases, rehabilitation, mental health, professional development, and modernization of healthcare systems,” said Viktor Liashko, Minister of Health of Ukraine.


Minister of Health of Germany Professor Karl Lauterbach said:

“russia’s criminal aggressive war against Ukraine is particularly affecting the country’s healthcare system. Since the beginning of the war, over 1300 attacks on healthcare facilities and medical personnel have been documented. Since the beginning of the russian invasion war, the German Federal Government has provided 28 billion euros in aid to Ukraine, including for the healthcare system. In addition, Germany has accepted and treated more than 900 wounded patients. Ukraine’s healthcare system continues to function despite targeted attacks, and I would like to thank my colleague Viktor Liashko for his tireless commitment to the well-being of the Ukrainian people and his strong relations with Germany. Germany will support Ukraine in its healthcare reform. This joint declaration allows us to give a new impetus to closer cooperation, in particular in view of Ukraine’s efforts to join the EU.”

It is envisaged to strengthen cooperation between Ukraine and Germany to strengthen our medical systems in many areas:

  • public health,
  • combating infectious and non-infectious diseases, including antimicrobial resistance,
  • disease prevention,
  • rehabilitation, including prosthetics and orthotics,
  • mental health,
  • professional development of medical personnel,
  • sustainability and modernization of healthcare systems, including self-governance.

It should be recalled that another group of Ukrainian rehabilitation specialists has recently started an internship in Germany.