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Three more countries supported Ukraine's statement on the development of international medical partnership

Spain, Italy and Switzerland joined the joint statement this week. Therefore, along with Ukraine, it has already been supported by 19 partner countries that share a vision for the development of the healthcare system and countering challenges

In particular, the health ministers of Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Germany, Norway, North Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia, Great Britain, Ukraine, Finland Switzerland, Sweden have already joined the open statement.

"This joint statement brings together four key topics. The first is mental health. The second is international medical partnership. The third is the development of human resources in the healthcare system. And the fourth is the mental health of healthcare workers themselves. Today, I called that this statement should become the basis for a future resolution of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe," said Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Liashko.

According to the Minister of Health, no healthcare system can cope with the challenges posed by a full-scale war and the aggressor's cruelty on a daily basis. This is possible only with reliable support.

The joint statement remains open. Therefore, Ukraine calls on other democratic countries that support Ukraine's vision of building a sustainable international health partnership to join it.

The open statement is available here.

The joint statement was first released during the meeting of health ministers held as part of the Third Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen. At that time, the open statement was supported by 15 countries.