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The Ministry of Health of Ukraine launches a series of public consultations on establishing a system of professional licensing of healthcare professionals

On July 2, 2018, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine together with the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine held a round table “Professional licensing of doctors: implementation challenges”. The event was attended by Oleksandr Linchevskyi, deputy Minister of Health, and Oleksii Honcharuk, Head of the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO).

The objective of this round table was to discuss the key elements of professional licensing system, the peculiarities of the transition period, the establishment of the Licensing Board, as well as other important aspects of the implementation of the Concept for Licensing of Healthcare Professionals in Ukraine.

Oleksandr Linchevskyi noted that "the introduction of a completely new professional licensing in Ukraine not only envisages the establishment of a new system of access to the medical profession, but, above all, it is an important step forward in the process of healthcare transformation aimed at improving the relationship between the public and the medical community. The concept provides for a new approach to training of those entering the profession starting at the stage of admission to medical school, and a transition period for  practicing healthcare professionals".

Expert groups of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine consisting of specialists in various fields actively participated in the discussion of the draft Concept for Licensing of Healthcare Professionals in Ukraine.

"The concept introduces new rules of the game. Today, we should coordinate our efforts with those of the professional community to develop practical mechanisms for achieving the quality of training and licensing of  specialists we are aiming for," underlined Oleksii Honcharuk.

Having worked in teams, healthcare professionals elaborated and presented their vision of the key principles for the establishment and operation of the Licensing Board, as well as the stages of the transition period for practicing doctors.

The issues related to the establishment of the Licensing Board, its members and functions provoked a lively discussion. This body will ensure that all practicing physicians have appropriate education and training, and that they abide by recognized standards of professional conduct while serving their patients. Therefore, the Licensing Board will assume control over all aspects of the licensing process: from issuing to suspending the physician’s license to practice medicine.

All participants of the round-table agreed that the introduction of professional licensing was a much-needed change. It should contribute to improving both the quality of health care and the level of public trust in the medical profession.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine continues public discussions of the draft Concept for Licensing of Healthcare Professionals in Ukraine and invites all interested individuals to participate. The Ministry will consider all recommendations and present the summarized results.