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Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Ukraine has received 12.8 thousand tons of medical humanitarian aid worth over UAH 13.5 billion

During the period of martial law, Ukraine has received a total of 12,800 tons of medical humanitarian aid worth over UAH 13.5 billion. The aid came from 35 countries, international and partner organizations, Ukrainian and foreign businesses, and directly from medical institutions in other countries.

In particular, the following was received:

  • medicines – 526,571,390 units;
  • consumables and personal protective equipment – 202,903,066 units
  • instruments – 1 365 151 units;
  • complex kits – 13,924 units;
  • equipment – 460 344 units;
  • equipped tactical first aid kits – 147,685 units
  • medical furniture – 618 units;
  • medical transport – 633 units;
  • bulletproof vests and helmets for medical workers – 1,632 units;
  • other – 69,959,621 items.

Thanks to the timely response and the provision of the necessary humanitarian aid by our partners, the Ministry of Health ensured the uninterrupted operation of medical facilities in the flooded area after the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station explosion.

Our sincere gratitude to all those who helped and continue to help, namely:

Countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and others.

International and charitable organizations: WHO, UNICEF, Direct Relief, Americares, Médecins Sans Frontières, Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, ECHAlliance, British PLAST, HOPE Worldwide, Olena Pinchuk Foundation, Andriy Stavnitser Foundation, Humanitarian Initiatives, Razom for Ukraine,, Rotary club, Comunita di Sant'Egidio, Comunita di Sant'Egidio, St.Barbara Ukrainische Kirche, Nova Ukraine, UMANA, Orphans Feeding Foundation, Zarys Foundation, OneUkraine, Nova Ukraine, NGO “Mentor”, Federation Nationale de la Protection civile, Ukrainian-American House, Humanitarian for Empowerment, Meest, Walmart and Project C.U.R.E, Operation White Stork, Council of the Federation of Jewish Religious Communities and Organizations of Ukraine, Help to Ukraine, Omenaa Foundation, and others.

Foreign and Ukrainian businesses: Teva, Bayer, Darnytsia, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Abbot, Amarox, Nestle, Medtronic, GE, Emergent biosolutions, Sanofi, Egis, Biopharma, Stada, Farmak, Galexis, Stada, Novartis, AstraZeneca, Solve Care, Circle Health Group, Teladoc Health in California, Zarys, Dr.Reddy’s, Servier Ukraine, EQL Pharma, MBI Pharma, Iromed, Crown Agents, SOL-Millennium, Roche Ukraine, Berlin-Chemie, Kernel, Aspen, Bremer Lloyd Holding, Dialog Diagnostics, Bevar Ukraine, Vitan, Amlaku Sterilox Ukraine, Corza Medical, AbbVie, Reckitt Benckiser, Morningside Pharmaceuticals, Mankind Pharma, MedShare, Action Medeor, Promed S.A., AbbVie, Recordati, Accord Healthcare, Evitas, Merck, Bestseller A/S, Amarox Ukraine, Hewlett-Packard, and others.

Medical institutions: Ernst von Bergman Clinic, German University Clinic Schleswig-Holstein, Polish Clinic Vetspec – Centrum Zdrowia Małych Zwierząt, University Hospital Basel and University of Zurich.