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Serhii Dubrov: We call on the international community to join in building a sustainable medical partnership

The Ministry of Health has taken another step towards expanding international medical partnerships. During the 73rd session of the World Health Organization’s Regional Committee for Europe, the Ukrainian delegation presented a joint statement on further development of sustainable international medical partnership. It is about expanding cooperation between Ukrainian hospitals and the world’s leading clinics.

“No medical system is able to cope with the challenges posed by a full-scale war and the aggressor’s cruelty on its own. This is possible only with reliable support. That is why today, during the 73rd Regional Committee for Europe of the World Health Organization, we call on other countries that support Ukraine’s vision of building a sustainable international health partnership to join it. At the same time, we are asking and calling for this statement to be included in the upcoming resolution of the World Health Organization’s Regional Committee for Europe,” said First Deputy Minister of Health Serhii Dubrov.

This joint statement brings together four key themes: mental health, international health partnerships, health workforce development, and the mental health of healthcare workers themselves.

Best practices and lessons learned should be taken into account when formulating policies and turned into initiatives that will help prevent and reduce the negative consequences of similar situations in the future. 

The Ukrainian delegation will also propose to hold a meeting of the 75th Regional Committee for Europe of the World Health Organization in October 2025 in Ukraine.

The International Health Partnership is a project implemented under the auspices of the Third First Ladies and Gentlemen’s Summit. This year, 14 ministers of health from around the world joined the Summit. The Summit launched the International Health Partnership Program. In total, 25 international medical partnership agreements were signed between Ukrainian and foreign medical institutions during the Summit.

It should be recalled that earlier, as part of the medical partnership, hospitals from different parts of Ukraine signed memorandums of cooperation with leading global clinics to learn from best practices and share their own.