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PHC reform: 73 private PHC providers signed agreements with the NHSU during the second wave

To date, 85 private PHC providers (both clinics and physicians entrepreneurs) have signed agreements with the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) and joined the reform. This means that Ukrainians can now sign declarations with family doctors, general practitioners and pediatricians working at private health facilities and receive primary care services free of charge, as under the new healthcare financing model, these services are covered by the state and paid by the NHSU.

On August 15, the NHSU announced the completion of the "second wave" of signing agreements with PHC providers. Starting October 2018, 389 non-profit enterprises, 40 private PHC providers and 33 physicians-entrepreneurs will switch to operating under the new healthcare financing model.

The NHSU has the same standard agreements for both private and state-owned PHC providers. Regardless of the form of ownership, all contracted health facilities shall provide a clearly defined set of primary care services and operate in full compliance with the Procedure for provision of primary care services (MoH Order No. 504), under the same licensing and professional certification requirements, medical equipment regulations and health care standards.

It is important to note that private PHC providers are only paid by the NHSU for the services provided to patients who have signed declarations with their doctors.

In total, the NHSU has signed agreements with 623 PHC providers providing services to about 23 million patients.

The list of all contracted PHC providers is available on the NHSU website (in Ukrainian). 

Interactive map of contracted PHC providers: