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Monitoring and management of cases of sexual and domestic violence in the practice of primary care physicians: First psychological aid in the doctor's office

A new course "First Psychological Aid (FPA) in the Family Doctor's Office (according to the WHO Protocol)" has been launched on the platform of the NHSU Academy, which is a continuation of the course "Monitoring and Management of Sexual Violence Cases in Different Age Groups in the Practice of Primary Care Physicians".

Who is the course for?

This module will be useful and interesting for both family practice physicians and all those who provide medical care to people who have experienced an extremely stressful situation.

What the course is about

The course will cover the principles and structure of first psychological aid (FPA), as well as

General principles of crisis care.

The algorithm of redirection and referral.

How to take care of yourself and your colleagues after providing crisis assistance?

Algorithm for providing assistance (communication with people in a state of distress, principles of the Crisis Intervention Program). 

Peculiarities of the PFA for children and adolescents.

People who need special attention and risk factors.

In more than two weeks since the launch of the course "First Psychological Aid (FPA) in the Family Doctor's Office (WHO Protocol)" on the NHSU Academy platform, almost 700 doctors have already registered for the course, of whom 421 have received their certificates. 

You can register for the course for free by following the link:

Upon completion of the course, a certificate equal to 2 CPD points is issued.

Please note: you can take the course "First Psychological Aid (FPA) in a Family Doctor's Office (according to the WHO Protocol)" either separately or after the course "Monitoring and Management of Sexual Violence Cases in Different Age Groups in the Practice of Primary Care Physicians".

For reference: the course was prepared by Iryna Nomerovska, a certified trainer in First Aid according to WHO standards, in cooperation with the Center for Child Dignity of the Ukrainian Catholic University and the NHS Academy, with the support of the World Bank and the Embassy of Switzerland.