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Hostomel outpatient clinic, destroyed by russians during temporary occupation of the region, restored in Kyiv oblast

In Kyiv oblast, work has been completed to restore the Hostomel outpatient clinic of the Irpin Primary Healthcare Center, which was severely damaged by russian invaders at the beginning of the full-scale war. Now, thanks to the restoration of the medical facility, more than 25 thousand residents of the Hostomel community have access to the necessary medical care.

It should be noted that Kyiv oblast has been in the zone of active hostilities since the first days of the full-scale war. In addition, part of the region was under occupation, including Hostomel. The russians brutally destroyed civilian infrastructure, looted and terrorized civilians.

During the occupation, the Hostomel outpatient clinic also suffered significant damage. The windows and facade of the building were damaged, and the interior, including doctors’ and administrative staff’s offices, were destroyed. In addition, medical equipment was stolen.

After the de-occupation of the Kyiv oblast in March-April 2022, the management of the medical institution began to look for resources to restore access to primary health care.

The restoration of the Hostomel outpatient clinic was made possible by the USAID Health Reform Support Project, an open grant program that supports the restoration of healthcare facilities and access to healthcare services throughout Ukraine.

“The damage and stolen equipment directly affected patients’ access to medical care and caused the outpatient clinic to be closed in the first months of the full-scale invasion. We needed to restore and equip the premises to ensure that we could continue to operate and provide quality services to the public. The restoration measures have breathed new life into the outpatient clinic, and now we are seeing the return of people to the community, and thus the need for medical care is growing,” said Andriy Levkivskyi, director of the Irpin Primary Health Care Center.

With the support of the Project, new medical equipment was purchased and installed to enable family doctors to work fully and provide free diagnostic services under the Medical Guarantee Program.

In addition, the medical facility repaired and insulated the building’s facade and doctors’ offices, and restored the surrounding area. Also, given the constant bombardment and shelling, the hospital has set up a special shelter for staff and patients.

Currently, the medical facility is fully operational and provides the necessary medical care to the population of the region.

For reference: The USAID Health Reform Support grant program was launched in late 2023. It has already helped to restore the Chernihiv Maternity Hospital, Kherson Oblast Children’s Hospital, and Nova Odesa Multidisciplinary Hospital in Mykolaiv Oblast. Currently, work is underway to restore access to medical services in five more medical facilities.