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За вашим запитом "" знайдено 797 дописи

A Year after Ukrainian Parliament passed Health reform law: What has changed

19 October 2018

a year ago, the verkhovna rada of ukraine passed (240 votes in favor) the first health reform law launching the long-awaited process of change in the national healthcare system and introducing the state guaranteed benefit package. great progress has been made since the key law was passed. here is a look at the four biggest health reform achievements during this year.

Ukraine purchases life-saving medicine for children with primary immunodeficiency diseases

18 October 2018

the ministry of health of ukraine has purchased anakinra – the life-saving medicine for the treatment of primary immunodeficiency in children. before, this medicine was unavailable in ukraine and parents of pediatric patients had to buy it at their own expense from abroad. the demand was relatively low, and the manufacturer was not interested in placing this medicine on the ukrainian market.

A new shipment of 392,000 doses of MMR vaccine arrive to Ukraine

18 October 2018

at the request of the ministry of health of ukraine and as part of support to the government immunization program, the united nations children's fund (unicef) has procured 392,000 doses of measles, mumps, rubella (mmr) vaccine for ukraine to respond to the continuing measles outbreak in the country. in total, over one million doses of mmr vaccine are currently available in ukraine.

5 important facts about immunization in Ukraine

17 October 2018

immunization through vaccination is the best and safest way to protect against many life-threatening diseases. the public trust in vaccination is a matter of national security in ukraine. this is exactly why many myths about the safety of vaccines and the importance of immunization are being spread, in particular by russian bots and trolls that are fueling anti-vaccination attitudes by spreading lies and posting anti-vaccine messages on social media to erode public trust in vaccination, healthcare systems and democratic societies. the ministry has to ensure that all ukrainians have access to accurate and trustworthy information on vaccines, embrace the facts and not believe the fakes.

Accessible and affordable health insurance is the next stage of the Ukrainian healthcare system transformation

12 October 2018

on october 9, the healthcare committee of the american chamber of commerce (acc) in ukraine held a meeting with deputy minister of health of ukraine pavlo kovtoniuk and the key insurance market players, who discussed a roadmap to develop and implement affordable and accessible health insurance in ukraine.

Ukraine’s Acting Health Minister speaks on importance of investing in human capital at 2018 IMF and World Bank Group Annual Meeting

12 October 2018

dr. ulana suprun, acting minister of health of ukraine, together with the ukrainian delegation participates in the 2018 annual meetings of the international monetary fund and the world bank group, hosted by indonesia from october 8 to october 14. this year, the program has a strong focus on the development and investment in the world's greatest asset – human capital.

Mental Health System Transformation in Ukraine: improving mental health services and bringing mental health care in line with international standards

10 October 2018

world mental health day (10 october) is a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. ukraine is currently implementing important health reforms, and one of the priorities is to improve mental health services.

Ukraine’s Health Ministry starts preparing for public procurement in 2019: draft proposals for procurement nomenclatures submitted for public discussions

9 October 2018

since 2016, the ministry of health of ukraine has been making every effort to speed up the centralized public procurement processes in the health sector. this year, the development of public procurement nomenclatures for 2019 started three months earlier, compared to the previous year. ensuring timely preparation and submission of the procurement nomenclatures is the key to developing effective procurement plans and schedules.

Ukraine makes significant progress in fighting tobacco use: 20% reduction in adult smokers since 2010

8 October 2018

delegates from 137 countries, including representative from governments, united nations agencies, international intergovernmental organizations and the civil society gathered in geneva the first week of october for the eighth session of the conference of the parties to the who framework convention on tobacco control to exchange their experience and to discuss the future of tobacco control in the context of building a healthier and sustainable world. this year, the conference participants paid particular attention to the issues of illicit tobacco trade, innovative tobacco products, tobacco advertising, and the composition, packaging and labeling of tobacco products.

Health Reform 2019: Our Aims and Aspirations

5 October 2018

pavlo kovtoniuk, deputy minister of health of ukraine, outlines the health reform vision and priorities for 2019, and emphasizes the role of local authorities in achieving common goals.