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За вашим запитом "" знайдено 797 дописи

Serving People, Improving Health Project: cancer screening and early detection for women in Lviv oblast

13 November 2018

under the serving people, improving health joint project of the ministry of health of ukraine with the world bank, six interdistrict screening centers in lviv oblast were provided with modern equipment for cancer screening and early detection in women, with the key focus on breast cancer. more than 26,000 women have undergone screenings in these centers in the past three years.

Every second Ukrainian has already chosen a PHC physician

12 November 2018

more than 21 million ukrainians have chosen their phc physicians – a family doctor, a general practitioner, or a pediatrician – in the first seven months since the launch of "a doctor for every family" campaign.

Modern family room in Kyiv-based National Specialized Children’s Hospital OKHMATDYT

12 November 2018

in october 2018, a modern comfortable family room was opened at the national children's specialized hospital okhmatdyt in kyiv. the family room is specially designed and equipped to allow sick children to forget they are in a hospital, and to offer both kids and their parents a place to rest from the hustle and bustle happening at all hours in a hospital, and to spend time together.

Kuwait to invest in oncology care development in Ukraine

12 November 2018

the kuwait fund for arab economic development (kfaed) stands ready to provide a loan to ukraine to scale up investment in the oncology care development. in addition, the kuwaiti government has expressed its interest in learning more about ukraine's experience in implementing the ongoing healthcare reform.

Ukraine’s Deputy Health Minister Olha Stefanyshyna: Protecting the population against infectious vaccine-preventable diseases is a key priority

9 November 2018

on november 8-9, 2018, the international conference (xvi) "aspects of immunology in pediatrics" takes place in kyiv, bringing together ukrainian and european experts to discuss current challenges in pediatric immunology. olha stefanyshyna, deputy minister of health of ukraine, delivered an insightful speech at the conference opening (english translation of the original ukrainian speech, as delivered).

Serving People, Improving Health Project: Distance is no longer a barrier to heart disease diagnosis and treatment in Zaporizhzhia oblast

7 November 2018

all 32 primary healthcare centers in zaporizhzhia oblast were provided with the necessary equipment – computers, electrocardiographs and usb flash drives for storing ecgs – for offering remote medical consultations to patients from rural and remote areas. in a relatively short period, this practice has already saved the lives of many heart disease patients in the region. the equipment was purchased and delivered to the primary healthcare centers in zaporizhzhia oblast under the ‘improving medical care to patients with diseases of the circulatory system in the zaporizhzhia oblast’ subproject of the serving people, improving health joint project of the ministry of health of ukraine with the world bank.

Ukraine introduces new healthcare roles: healthcare chief executive’s responsibilities to be distributed between executive director and medical director

7 November 2018

starting january 1, 2019, major responsibilities of a chief executive of a healthcare facility in ukraine (previously, entirely assumed by physicians-in-chief) will be distributed between an executive director/director general (exd) and a medical director (med). accordingly, executive directors will be responsible for healthcare facility management and administration, while medical directors – for overall supervision and regulation of all medical processes and facets.

Country statement by A/Minister of Health Dr. Ulana Suprun at the 5th Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) Ministerial Meeting (As Delivered)

6 November 2018

in the statement at the 5th global health security agenda (ghsa) ministerial meeting, acting minister of health of ukraine dr. ulana suprun outlined the state of biosafety and biosecurity in ukraine, presented ukraine's work-plans in this area, and recalled russia's hybrid war against the entire world. strengthening the capacity to respond to biological, anthropogenic, nuclear and chemical threats is high on the agenda for ukraine, as well as all ghsa members.

Speech of A/Minister of Health Dr. Ulana Suprun at the 2018 Global Conference on Primary Health Care (As Delivered)

5 November 2018

on 25-26 october 2018, the ukrainian delegation, led by acting minister dr. ulana suprun, participated in the global conference on primary health care in astana, kazakhstan. the world leaders came together to renew a commitment to primary health care to achieve universal health coverage and the sustainable development goals.

World’s best experts in paediatric care will share their expertise with doctors and nurses of Kyiv-based National Specialized Children’s Hospital OKHMATDYT

5 November 2018

the children of chornobyl canadian fund allocated 800,000 canadian dollars to continue implementing the ukraine paediatric fellowship program, and in particular, to develop a new partnership with the national specialized children’s hospital okhmatdyt, under which world-renowned specialists from the hospital for sick children (sickkids) will provide clinical consultations and specialized trainings to ukrainian doctors and nurses.