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149 primary care facilities in 21 oblast signed contracts with the National Health Service of Ukraine

As of June 5, 2018, the National Health Service of Ukraine signed contracts with 149 primary care facilities nationwide serving 8 million Ukrainian patients.

All primary care facilities in Kyiv, in Vinnytsia, Poltava and Cherkasy oblast centers, and in cities of Kryvyi Rih and Kremenchuk have already signed agreements with the National Health Service of Ukraine and will receive funding under the new healthcare financing model. In total, 21 oblast of Ukraine joined the transformation process. A complete list of agreements signed between the NHS of Ukraine and primary care facilities will be published on the NHSU website within five days.

Starting July 1, these primary care facilities will operate under the new rules and procedures. For the first time ever, family doctors, therapeutists and pediatricians will have a precise list of the services to provide, and the state will pay for these services based on the established rate and adjustment coefficients.

The list of services to be provided by primary care physicians includes disease prevention, periodic health examinations and screenings for patients in seven risk groups, eight basic medical tests and examinations, preventive vaccination, diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases and pathological conditions, injuries, poisonings, management of uncomplicated pregnancy and regular care for chronically ill patients. Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 504 dated March 19, 2018 "On Approval of the Procedure for Provision of Primary Care Services" (available in Ukrainian) contains a complete list of the services to be provided free of charge to patients at the primary care level under the state financial guarantees program.

"The applications numbered far more than we expected. This demonstrates a strong interest in the new primary care rules and procedures. Despite the challenges faced during the initial period, overall we are satisfied with the current results and the progress achieved by healthcare facilities in preparation for signing agreements with the NHSU. We are now working to ensure that all primary care providers contracted by the NHSU receive the first funding under the new healthcare financing model in July. About 1.5 billion UAH will be allocated to provide funding for the second half of the calendar year to 149 healthcare facilities that signed agreements with the NHSU in due time. Other healthcare facilities will receive funding in the form of government subvention, but they should delay no longer and fulfill all conditions to sign agreements with the NHSU by the end of 2018", noted Oleh Petrenko, Head of the National Health Service of Ukraine.

Working in the best interest of patients, the NHSU may terminate an agreement in case of failure of a healthcare facility to perform any obligation under the agreement. In particular, in the case of a revocation of a license or a receipt of a finding of failure too comply with the industry standards during the validity period of the agreement, including in case of engagement of independent contractors or employees who cannot provide the specified services. Moreover, the NHSU may terminate an agreement if it turns out that a healthcare facility provides inaccurate information about equipment, employees or independent contractors.

At the end of July, 2018 the National Health Service of Ukraine will publish on its official website the second announcement of the start of signing agreements between the Service and primary care providers. The key prerequisites for signing an agreement with the NHSU and receiving funding under the new healthcare financing model include the healthcare facility’s independent management as non-profit enterprise owned by local government, its connection to eHealth, and records on signed patient declarations with the chosen doctor.