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Fighting corruption is key to improving healthcare: Ukraine implements transparent and merit-based selection of senior healthcare managers

At the beginning of 2018, Ukraine has introduced a transparent and merit-based procedure for the selection and appointment of senior healthcare managers, including heads of hospitals and other healthcare facilities. This is a very important step towards eliminating corruption in healthcare.

During the presentation of the results of the monitoring of the implementation of anti-corruption measures and practices by the Ukrainian ministries, the representatives from the "Together Against Corruption" joint government-civic initiative center highlighted the work accomplished by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, in particular the introduction of an open, transparent and merit-based procedure for the selection and appointment of senior healthcare managers.

The procedure was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Procedure for selecting heads of state and municipal healthcare institutions through an open competition" (the full text in Ukrainian only).

According to the new rules, senior healthcare managers in Ukraine are selected through an open competition. The interviewing board consists of representatives from the administrative body, members of the public and staff delegates – any interested individual can apply to become an interviewing board member. The interviewing board members publicly review and evaluate the candidates’ proposals for the institution development, which are to be submitted in writing prior to the interview, and then presented orally to the board members. Video recordings of the candidates' proposal presentations are available on the website of the corresponding administrative body, which allows anyone to watch these presentations to make sure that the best candidate has been selected for the position of head of a particular healthcare facility or institution.

The introduction of an open competition and the involvement of the public in the selection processes contribute to ensuring better control of the senior healthcare manager selection processes in different parts of the country. This also provides opportunities for attracting the best candidates, enhancing transparency,  and initiating discussions on potential ways to develop a particular healthcare facility or institution and to raise public awareness of existing issues.

However, much remains to be done to implement an integrated approach to the evaluation of all candidates, as well as to ensure greater dissemination of information about all open vacancies and recent announcements.